Bolton Vision
Bolton Vision is a local partnership that brings together senior leaders from the voluntary, community and faith sector, the private sector, the university, college and schools, health, emergency services and the Council, to represent the voices of Bolton residents and deliver local priorities for our communities.
The partnership launched ‘Bolton 2030’ in 2017 as the long-term vision to achieve and Active, Connected and Prosperous borough. Underpinning this the partnership agreed six outcomes.
Read our vision below.
We are all

Together we will work in ways that promotes equality of opportunity and good relations between groups
Together we will work in ways which increases people's skills, knowledge and confidence

Underpinning the Vision are six outcomes for the borough:
Start Well
Our children get the best possible start in life, so that they have every chance to succeed and be happy.
Live Well
The happiness and wellbeing of our residents is improved, so that they can live healthy, fulfilling lives for longer.
Age Well
Older people in Bolton stay healthier for longer and feel more connected with their communities.
Businesses want to work and invest in the borough, and through their corporate social responsibility maximise social value opportunities whilst creating good, inclusive and sustained employment.
Clean and Green
Our environment is protected and improved so that more people enjoy it, care for it and are active in it.
Safe, Strong and Distinctive
Stronger, cohesive, more confident communities in which people feel safe, welcome and connected.

Built on pride in our place and the aspirations of and for local people
Our vision is to ensure Bolton 2030 is Active, Connected and Prosperous for all
Our approach
The Vision Partnership has been through significant change in the past decade. Prior to the global COVID pandemic, a decision had been taken to merge the Vision Steering Group with the Health and Wellbeing Board, to form the Active, Connected and Prosperous Board (ACP) as an overarching health and wellbeing, and placed based leadership board for the borough. The expectation was that the ACP Board would enable a system-wide response to delivery in support of Bolton2030.
The impact of the pandemic resulted in some partnership reset activity that has been further refined recently to take account of recent structural reforms for health and other policy and partnership reform locally.
The outcome of this work means that the ACP Board can focus its activity on reducing inequalities in the borough, working alongside Bolton’s Locality Board who deliver a partnership approach to addressing health inequalities.
In this latest update to our strategy, we have ensured that key partners and partnerships have the authority to deliver on the key priorities that they have evidenced for themselves and can seek the advice and support of the ACP Board as needed.
We are confident that this will enable a co-ordinated response and can ensure we have a Bolton, system-wide approach to achieving our Vision.
Bolton will be a welcoming place where people choose to study work and put down roots
Our Vision - Plan on a page
Start Well
Our partners: Children and Young People's Board
Our children and young people are:
- Safe and protected from harm
- Are healthy in their physical and mental wellbeing
- Achieve their potential
- Feel they belong in Bolton
Live Well
Our partners: Healthy Neighbourhood and Communities, Active Lives, Anti-Poverty, Team Bolton Skills
- Our residents are in good health with a good state of mental wellbeing
- Our residents inform decisions, improving their life quality and promoting access to greater opportunities
- Build thriving communities where people and businesses live and work
Age Well
Our partners: Ageing Well Partnership
- Outdoor spaces and buildings
- Transport
- Housing
- Social Participation
- Respect and social inclusion
- Civil participation and employment
- Communication and information
- Community support and health services
Our partners: Economic Prosperity Group, Social Value, Partnership, The Bolton Family
- Increase social value in Bolton
- Support every resident to benefit from good work and healthy lives
- Maximise Bolton's potential to be a leading economy in Greater Manchester
- Matching skills and training to employer future demand
Clean and Green
Our partners: Climate Group, Clean and Green Partnership
- Air and land free from pollution and infrastructure that is resilient to the impacts of climate change
- Enhance and expand Bolton's green infrastructure whilst making best use of our assets and identifying opportunities to promote a range of environmental initiatives
- Improve health equity to protect health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities for Bolton residents
Safe, Strong and Distinctive
Our partners: Community Safety Partnership, Cultural Partnership, Connected Communities, Brand Bolton
- Our residents feel connected within their communities with a good understanding of their local offer
- People feel safe and live in harmony together with reduced crime and antisocial behaviour
- Our residents feel that their voice is heard
- Our residents have greater self-worth and happiness with access to creative, cultural and volunteering opportunities
Our Partners
We recognise the need to be able to maximise the value of the time we spend working in partnership.
To help with this, we have made some changes to the way the Partnership works and the focus it places on delivery. By enabling partners to be accountable for their own delivery, we can reduce over-governance and place decision makers powers into partnership groups, allowing partners to get on and do whilst stepping away from traditional bureaucracy models.
Instead, the ACP Board will use their knowledge and experiences of the borough, to advise and provide guidance on strategic issues faced by partners.
Partners will have the ability to refine where to put efforts and partnership power, reflective of current position and what matters, to then be firepower to drive delivery of outcomes, ensuring that the skills and resources of partners are brought together to establish an intelligence led approach for complex delivery challenges.
By defining who our partners are and what they will be focussing on, this also means we can ‘join-the-dots’ across the system, reducing duplicated efforts and ensuring a more collaborative approach.
Roles of group:
The Active, Connected and Prosperous (ACP) Board
will act as an advisory board, using local insight and experience to support delivery of Bolton2030 as well as having oversight of progress made.
The Locality Board
will lead on health-related outcomes and addressing health inequalities.
Strategic Partnerships
will be accountable for delivery of their own plans which contribute towards Bolton2030 outcomes.
Bolton Research and Intelligence Network (BRAIN)
has been developed as a joint intelligence model for Bolton, operating as a matrix team with partners to undertake network-wide activities to support intelligence provision across locality..
Our Focus
A continued focus on the six outcomes that need partnership drive have emerged from the reset discussions.
Recognising the extensive scope our outcomes cut across, partners have collectively distinguished the areas of work they are going to focus on, which will lead to delivery of Bolton2030. These areas of focus have been defined through consultation within each partnership and informed by insight and intelligence, on the strategic issues facing the borough.
Supporting with this, an ACP Outcomes Framework is being developed to monitor progress, providing a series of meaningful metrics to share and report against for partners. The ACP Outcomes Framework will be supported by BRAIN to ensure the areas we focus in on are both evidence-based and informed.
Every organisation and community in Bolton will have the opportunity to play its part in these next steps which will be vital to the future health and prosperity of our wonderful Borough.
We will also provide regular updates on progress of the strategy and provide a detailed account of our performance